Not quite sure if the concept of our 'rude not to' department is applicable to streams - but any chance to feature Richard Skelton's immanence & immensity is going to be taken here regardless. So the emergence yesterday of new & in some cases rare tastes of his extraordinarily moving music demands space & attention.
Something from Harlassen's out of print A Way Now would be thrilling too. But the opportunity to hear Skelton in less familiar guises like Carousell, Clouwbeck, Heidika & Riftmusic couldn't be more welcome - or rewarding. While sharing intense plasticity, a tangible quavering & strain, with A Broken Consort & the releases in his own name, their subtle differences of instrumentation & attack fill out our grasp of his intensely grounded takes on loss & landscape.
Self-released catalogue here. Previous coverage here (ABC), here (Heidika, RS) & here (ABC, Carousell).