Not sure the lovely Dietmar Dath collaboration Im erwachten Garten (full Spotify stream) has yielded up all it has to offer yet. But a new Kammerflimmer Kollektief album - Wilding (Staubgold) - is already upon us: "file under: psychedelic/intuitive/mongrel music".
Still trying to track down the Lee Perry cover it appears to contain (Spotty original). But two originals - Move Right In & Time is the Fire in Which We Burn - are streaming chez Kammerflimmer & a third - Spookin' the Horse - is up via SoundCloud.
Initial impression is of a somewhat lighter, rather twangier sound. But the trademark dense, slow voice/sax/bass/percussion matrix is intact - & still a thing of wonder. Time is the Fire has a welcome propulsiveness too. Must hear more!
Kammerflimmer Kollektief - Spookin' The Horse
Hear pretty well all of KK up to Wilding via this playlist (yes, Spotty again...).

Important: LMYE only makes music available that artists/labels have chosen to share freely. Let us know if something here shouldn't be.
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