Exclusive: an inspired reimagining of one of the better tracks on In Rainbows - Australia's Prince Charming (plus a sample cast that includes Martin Luther King, Harry Truman, Richard Nixon &, less obviously, Whittaker Chambers) wrings yearning, menace & uplift out of Videotape with his poignant Videotrip (Tragedy of History).
Hear a sanctioned Nude remix here & others here (NB: LMYE's 'nothing unsanctioned under 1 year' policy waived for Videotrip in view of IR's original distribution...).
Radiohead home.

Posted to the front page and press page of WhittakerChambers.org.
What a trip? What is the story behind this "re-imaging"?...
Anonymous, thanks for stopping by, & for the reposts - LMYE may be seeing a whole new audience soon...
Videotrip is a re-imagining of a great song by a talented guy down in Australia.
Looks like this piece got a new, separate entry: http://whittakerchambers.org/2012/02/18/prince-charming-introduces-radiohead-to-whittaker-chambers/
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