Welcome news today that the very fine Marconi Union are self-releasing a new album of their dense, dubby ambientronica, A Lost Connection, at the start of next month. Hear a couple of suitably moody tracks - Endless Winter & Transient - at their MySpace now (while you're at it, check out their b:dum b:dum spin-off - why isn't this monstrous, bass-drenched music available?!)
Download MU's suitably spacey, nicely off-kilter remix of their own Buildings Without People here.

& to mark the occasion, The Contact (from debut Under Wires & Searchlights, now available from MU themselves...) & Interlock by Frank Bretschneider & Taylor Deupree (from Balance). Arguably, the sumptuous latter track is more representative of more recent MU - & certainly of MU/dotca's 'microsound' mixes (see here).