Revisiting Machinefabriek's relentless collaborations & co-operations: first, a ravishing fresh taste of the brooding, moving Piiptsjilling quartet with Jan & Romke Kleefstra & MF fellow-traveller soccer Committee ahead of two new releases surfacing later this year (stream below, via Fluid Radio).
Previous Kleefstra coverage (includes full stream of debut release; MP3 extract here). More coverage here.
NB: UK promoters, please get in touch (earslend at gmail.com) for a few late October dates still available for Jan & Romke...
Second, the lovely Par Avion from Ithaca Trio (whose brilliantly noodling New Music By is still on LMYE rotation - stream below). This flickering, vampy beauty closes with Machinefabriek's The Desolate Delay & The Harmed Harp (sample of the first IT track below).
Finally, some solo Machinefabriek lobbed in as a marker/guilty prod for a longer future post...
Important: LMYE only makes music available that artists/labels have chosen to share freely. Let us know if something here shouldn't be.
This also out too on October 8th - a tape-loop orchestra featuring Machinefabriek, Preslav Literary School & others:
Love the blog, keep up the good work!
thanks for the tip, & for your generous feedback! Have stuck up a tweet on Echolalia (http://twitter.com/earslend/statuses/23140976644) & hope to follow up with a post or two on the project & the rest of your excellent Preslav Literary School work...
Julian / LMYE
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