Clumsy, of course, to characterise Ezekiel Honig's warm, glitchy textures & lovely, slightly modest adventurousness as 'honeyed'. But they, & the rest of the outstanding output on Anticipate (one of LMYE's labels of 2009 - specifically, our 'if only they would release more' label...), really are. As you'll hear.
Previous coverage.

Homemade Debris "taken from Scattered Practices album"
Concrete economics "Live edit taken from Le Placard set in Montreal, 2008. As the name hints, it works primarily with pieces from the tracks Concrete and Plastic and Porchside Economics."
Concrete and Plastic (from Scattered Practices, Microcosm - stream) [re-up]
Tropical Ridges / Billow (from Early Morning Migration, w. Morgan Packard, Microcosm )
Stream Porchside Past Tense & Technology is Lonely (both Anticipate).
Live@Mutek 2009
Live@Bricolages 2009
Live@Plateaux Festival 2009
More Human Than Human (from People Places & Things, Microcosm - stream) [re-up]

"Anticipate is a record label which combines elements of electro-acoustics, ambient, slow motion techno and found house with traces of filtered influences ranging from jazz, post rock, classical, dub, musique concrete and minimalism. The emphasis is on using electronics to rework, reassemble and redevelop sound - whether it be instrumental or otherwise - from outside the computer, with the hope of finding the best balance of two worlds - creating something new and unique that has roots in our physical realm, but is abstracted in the digital one."
Anticipate Mix #1 "A mix of tracks from the Anticipate label, compiled by label head Ezekiel Honig."
Track List:
1. M. Templeton + aA. Munson - It's OK to Fall - Acre Loss
2. M. Templeton + aA. Munson - Safer - Acre Loss
3. Nicola Ratti - Voluta Musica - From the Desert Came Saltwater
4. Sawako - Purple Sky Coming - Madoromi
5. Ezekiel Honig - Past Tense Kitchen Movement - Surfaces of a Broken Marching Band
6. Nicola Ratti - Coconut - From the Desert Came Saltwater
7. Mark Templeton - Please Take Me - Inland
8. Morgan Packard - Untitled - Album title TBA
9. Mark Templeton - From Verse to Verse - Standing on a Hummingbird
10. Klimek - Sound of Confusion - Movies is Magic
11. Klimek - For Marvin Gaye and Russell Jones - Dedications"
Mix#2 by Borne
Track List:
1. Klimek - For Ezekiel Honig & Young (Pan) Americans - Dedications
2. Ezekiel Honig - Porchside Economics - Surfaces of a Broken Marching Band
3. Mark Templeton - West of Fabric pt. 1 - Inland
4. Mark Templeton - Please Take Me - Inland
5. Sawako - Appled Soapbox - Madoromi
6. Morgan Packard - Kelp Sway - Airships Fill The Sky
7. M. Templeton + aA. Munson - This Will Pass - Acre Loss
8. Nicola Ratti - Cartographic Acrobat - From the Desert Came Saltwater
9. Ezekiel Honig - A Brief Visual Pattern - Sufaces of a Broken Marching Band
10. Sawako - It's Not On Purpose - Madoromi
11. Klimek - For Martin Duffy & Charles Mingus - Dedications
12. Morgan Packard - Although - Moment Again Elsewhere
13. M. Templeton + aA. Munson - Looking Northward - Acre Loss
14. Klimek - For Lia & Jim Corrigan (The Smartest Kid On Earth) - Dedications
Important: LMYE only makes music available that artists/labels have chosen to share freely. Let us know if something here shouldn't be.
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