Track of the day: not exactly a new feature, but an alternative way of highlighting great musicians' work through a quick engagement with a single diverting track. Today's debut entry combines two very fine artists who should have had more airtime on LMYE to date - p jørgensen & Chris Herbert.
Herbert's subtle, enveloping remix of pj's Astoria would eventually feature, as the volcanic Fissures ("all these little jagged rivulets and glassy edges with a persistent ooze underneath", as he puts it), on Soundtrack_Remix for Under the Spire. This version floating alongside the release (one of 50 albums that particularly mattered to LMYE in 2010) was a very nearly complete work in progress, though rather shorter than the eventual 12:12. To these ears, its warm, faintly metallic hum swells into a delicate, memorable bloom of tones & shakes.
Many more treats on the pair's SoundClouds (here & here), of course - including an equally fine Herbert remix of Gareth Hardwick & some previews of the outstanding S_R. You'll also want to stop by Herbert's YouTube channel (not least for this new upload).
Oh, & there's also this LMYE hack of extracts from pj's debut...
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