Where next after the sombre, radiant perfection of For Patterns (from last year's Out of Forgetting, covered here previously)? As the compilation of streams below shows, Szymon Kaliski is still exploring ways to answer that question - reworking facets of his lambent sound, most recently on the new For Isolated Recollections EP for Hibernate.
FIR rakes its four piano studies with a kind of wispy found sound scourer. Kaliski de-varnishes pieces like Or Gently that were already quite unadorned (though whose surface prettiness is rewardingly offset by the puffs, scrapes & squirts he exposes them to).
At other times (like his contribution to the Chequerboard series, And Then Replaced) Kaliski all but abandons his keyboard to trade in a murky sort-of drone - only bringing the keys back for a lambent coda at the very end.
Two live performances late last year & early this stand out among Kaliski's recent work - especially a burbling, untypical improvisation from Poznan in February, but also the reverberating delicacies of a downloadable radio show that exemplifies how affecting his, er, classic neo-classicism can be...
Photo by Amadeusz Jasak
Szymon Kaliski - (Time To) Consider [w/ Monolyth & Cobalt]
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