A hopeful refry of LMYE's ultimately unsatisfying earlier attempts (also this) at 'curatorial' posting: an aide-memoire compilation of 10 mostly new releases (plus one for luck) that I've yet to hear but want & mean to, by artists I - &, in some cases, we - rate or am interested in hearing - fixed here against the relentless onward rush of time & tasks, preserved for chewing over later...
Featuring Jannick Schou / Biosphere / Sean McCann / Kreng / Noveller / Nicola Ratti / Rafael Toral / Ben Vida & Keith Fullerton Whitman / Xela / The North Sea / Holy Other
NB: all streams taken from Experimedia's exemplary album previews...

Important: LMYE only makes music available that artists/labels have chosen to share freely. Let us know if something here shouldn't be.
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