So modest that a cloak is seemingly the very least it would throw over a puddle in your way, yet so committed to its own way of doing things that even its punctuation idiosyncracies are evidently all quite deeply meant (though what slightly random dots, colons & commas might be meant to mean, over & above 'I have my own way of doing things', is something else...): Alpine.'s Fr:om Harmed Weather To Stark, Micro, Climates. is a little piece of pastoral bliss.
Despite the name & the obvious parallels with the excellent Mountains, it is more dappled meadows & orchards than magisterial uplands - an English summer record/English summer of a record (meaning fleeting, warm loveliness, not lagered, lobstered lads & sporting woe). Yet another feather in the plumage-rich Highpoint Lowlife cap...
Alpine. > Fr:om [lo-res]
Video art from Alpine. here, by the way.
Alpine. is also half of Pausal (who've toured with Koen Holtkamp, cementing the Mountains connection). Their eponymous net-release via HPLL a couple of years ago shares the warmth of Harmed Weather - whose composition pre-dates it, if we're being chronological - but stretches out more languidedly; a remastered version with an additional track (Semi-Submerged) & a reworking (Place [Revisited]) is out now, with an album to follow (not featured in head Highpointer Thor's recent beat-driven 'Future Sounds' mix of forthcoming releases for reason of fit).
Pausal > Song From a Cloth Pocket [lo-res]
Same track also features on this mix of "hazy ambient jewels" via archive.org.
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