Tim Hecker's brutally beautiful, densely arcing Apondalifa isn't so new. But the chance, courtesy of Room40, to feature it here falls directly into our clumsy but painfully sincere 'rude not to' 'department'...
Meanwhile, a taste of Lawrence English's newer, infinitely less confrontational Site-Listening: Brisbane ("the act of attentive listening in any chosen location, privileging the auditory environment as the focus of awareness"): listen carefully! & read more below.
Both appearing alongside Ben Frost at Belgrade's Dis-Patch on Saturday week, by the way.
Bonus: two instalments of Lawrence's Room40 cohort John Chantler's wildly, wonderfully warped synthtasticness. Look out for the forthcoming The Luminous Ground...
Blurb: "Site-Listening: Brisbane is a new book/field guide and 3" cd edition from Lawrence English that introduces the idea of Site-Listening - a focused exploration into the ideas of site, space, sound and listening.
The book features three short essays (from David Toop, Nick Earls and Lawrence English) each of which ponders our relationships to the sounds we find ourselves in daily contact with. It also contains 17 listening locations that can be found in Brisbane. These locations act as a sound map of sorts, plotting out sound curiosities across Brisbane's varied terrain. The accompanying maps, photos and texts offer a brief overview of possible encounters, as well as personal reflections of each location's sound characteristics. The field guide also offers an informal 'how to' guide for site-listening - both for first time listener and more experienced ears. The edition is an invitation calling for other interested parties to develop site-listening within their own cities/spaces/communities.

This full colour, pocket-sized edition, which has been designed by Ralph Steinbruchel at Ordner, also features a 3" cd composition comprised of recordings made in and around the locations featured in the book. This composition is available only with Site-Listening: Brisbane and will not be available separately."
"pre-modular synth synth jams from 2008 using just moogerfooger pedals and a trusty oldschool digitech PDS200 digital* delay/sampler - was going to make a 3"CDr of it but then got over the idea. Title inspired by a scene from Aki Kaurismäki's fantastic 'Calimari Union'. * It says digital but its actually a classic analog BBD delay, not that any of that is hugely important!"
"This is a 'live-at-home' (ie. one take, no edits) recording of some solo synthesizer. Bit too heavy of the echo and classic 'space-synth' vibes for the record i'm working on, but figured I was pretty fun just the same so up here it goes."
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