Since his fascinating interview here in March & the subsequent release of his immense Broadcasting on Ghost Frequencies on Moving Furniture (full Bandcamp stream below), rumbly drone-meister Erstlaub has morphed into an increasingly full-time art student & psychogeographic explorer.
Thankfully, though, he continues to knock out resonant slabs of dense, one-take sound - both as part of his art works & otherwise. Indeed, he's even recently shared an unexpected, Supersilent/Arve Henriksen-flavoured ethereal trumpet piece (Rose Made of Time) - under his own name since "I’m not really sure it belongs to Erstlaub as such".
It's invigorating to hear as distinctive a voice as Erstlaub's take a fairly different form. It's also thrilling to hear contemplative newer pieces like the fine Lost in the Forest & thestartisalsotheend - even the more abrasive Long Grind, of the same vintage, has a gentleness among the squeals & static storm...
Lost accompanies the striking installation piece A Mind Divided: "very much a product of the creature known as Erstlaub (it definitely turned out a bit more sinister than intended), here is the soundwork. Built and recorded in one sitting with the G2 and the first time I’ve used my DD20 and RE201 pedals in that context for ages, it felt nice to be back in familiar territory and that I’ve not lost my knack."
UPDATE: Erstlaub will "break cover" for a rare live appearance at next month's Hidden Door festival in Edinburgh (January 31): " I will be playing an entirely new set (which I’m also in the process of making visuals for) which at the moment may or may not be floating around in my head with the title of “Sleepwalking into the Underworld” but I can’t be sure yet."
Erstlaub > A Farewell to Song > Long Grind / thestartisalsotheend (In Darkened Corners EP) > Lost in the Forest
NB: all tracks unreleased/self-released via erstlaub.co.uk (longer pieces available in higher-res versions than here). Also hear/download Blown from archive.org.

Photos by Dave Fyans/Erstlaub
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