You might say that Lusine's Two Dots is 'about' poise & tension. Inevitably, something as joyfully "irresponsible", as the 'song' has it at one point, as the frothy, gorgeous Two Dots is as much about itself as anything else.
Literally: it's a kind of post-modern poptronica celebration of itself - the propulsive relay between its two dots, managing & mining the sweet tension this pair of points sets up. In this, hard not to recognise & relish Ghostly's description of its "gently pinging electronics and swarms of micro-samples"...
Of course, that vivid green cover could be a brilliantly foresightful endorsement of the Iranian opposition. More likely, an unconscious endorsement of opposition in general - the dance of attraction & repulsion.
Lusine > Two Dots (from A Certain Distance, forthcoming on Ghostly; also on this EP - including his own chunkier 'Reverse Engineering' mix, which does without the original's lovely shuffle for benefits I've yet to twig, though the impulse to join the dots in a new way is understandable enough)
Extras: a completist's selection of sanctioned Lusine treats - not all of which have kept up with my developing taste over the past 18 months, but the ravishing Jetstream & Ask You (both re-ups) are both present & correct...
> Inside/Out (from Inside/Out 12", Ghostly)
> Ask You (from Serial Hodgepodge, Ghostly)
> Still Frame [Lusine remix] (from Podgelism, Ghostly)
> Rubberbands (from Emerald 12", Ghostly)
Lusine, who played in the vastly cooler of LMYE's two home towns last night, live in Seattle here.
Important: LMYE only makes music available that artists/labels have chosen to share freely. Let us know if something here shouldn't be.
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