"An arbitrary succession of more or less irritating sounds"

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Academy of the Holy Names

Femenine in thrilling, enthralling performance (at the LCMF's 'In Search of Julius Eastman' event - brief clip here) was one of these ears' musical highlights of recent years. So sign me up for a joyful, Reichian new Eastman release - especially one that benefits the exemplary work of the Transgender Law Center...

Moreover, Joy Boy is by the same early incarnation of the S.E.M. Ensemble as on Frozen Reeds' unearthing of Femenine. It could hardly not be, since one immediately preceded the other at the same concert (Wednesday, November 6, 1974 at Composers Forum on the Campus of the Academy of the Holy Names, Albany, New York). 

Double hat-tip to Frozen Reeds' Ian - both for the release ("sitting on this one for a long time now. One-sided 10" or whatever just didn't feel right - this really does") & for amping up Bandcamp's inspiring effort for TLC tomorrow

Time to hand over those Euros...

Finally, Adolfo Doring's fascinating Without a Net on Eastman. 

NB: Sleeve photo courtesy of University at Buffalo Music Library, The State University of New York. 

Important: LMYE only makes music available that artists/labels have chosen to share freely. Let us know if something here shouldn't be.
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