"An arbitrary succession of more or less irritating sounds"

Monday, 5 October 2015

Lend Me Another Radio

Another month, another belated, inevitably partial sample of the period's riches...

Highlights include a strikingly poised, shimmering Christopher Bissonnette piece (from a forthcoming kranky release)ravishingly bucolic, meditative version of LMYE's old flame Le Bergerfor Home Normalthe glowing, gathering warmth of Maxwell August Croy & James Devane's returning En (on the ever more essential Students of Decay); a quite lovely Lee Ranaldo workout for Importanta valuable "atypical & personal" Chris Herbert set of "phasing & stippled atmospherics" for Sydney's Ears Have Ears; & a refracting first taste of the as-yet unreleased Tsjinlûd (a Frisian collective that includes Jan & Romke KleefstraAnne Chris Bakker, who appears under her own name too...). 

Also notable, TVO & Andrew Sharpley's provocative, caricaturing 'Feast Of Fools' - leering at the "dancing bears" of the "dead-eyed" Labour leadership losers, with exemplary agility (released at the moment of the Corbyn coronation)

Further contributions from the Broken20/Moving Furniture axis are a powerful Digisizer dirge from Orphax & yet more rumbling longform beauty from D. Fyans (aka Erstlaub). 

September's 'radio' also features compelling new work by Chambers (Michael Red & Gabriel Saloman), Will Bolton, Scott Cortez, Emptyset, From The Mouth Of The Sun (Aaron Martin & Dag Rosenqvist, who also appears in his own, post-Jasper TX right...), L A N DThe OO-Ray, Andrew Pekler, PERILS (Kyle Bobby Dunn & Benoit Pioulard), Ruhe, Ryuichi Sakamoto & Taylor Deupree, Small Things on SundaysUndisclosed & Voyou

The full 3-hour SoundCloud playlist, plus a few supplementary streams & videos, is at the bottom here. 

Disclaimer: no doubt September brought reams of deeply worthwhile releases besides this lot. Apologies that these ears haven't got to them yet. 

Important: LMYE only makes music available that artists/labels have chosen to share freely. Let us know if something here shouldn't be.
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